What are ice dams?
Posted on January 16, 2025 at 11:05 am | Uncategorized
Artic temperatures dipped into the deep south this past week and are expected to stick around for most of January. So what does this mean for your roof? During extremely cold temperatures your roof could be prone to ice dams – a potentially harmful condition that needs attention from a roofing expert like Phoenix Roofing.
Ice dams are a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of the room and keeps water from rain or melting snow from draining off the roof. This can lead to water backups and ultimately leaks in the home.
Steps that can help remove or prevent ice dams are:
– Remove snow from the roof – gently so as not to damage the shingles
– Ensure the roof is air tight
– Increase insulation between the house and attic space
If you are concerned that your home has issues with snow or ice build up or that weaknesses in the home make it susceptible to leaks schedule a free home inspection with Phoenix Roofing. Visit us online at www.phoenixroofingsc.com.
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